Deadline: 15 January 2023
The submission process for abstracts is now open. We invite abstract submissions for both oral and poster presentations. Please submit your abstract by 15 January 2023 by filling out a form here.
I. Theme
Abstracts should contribute to the conference theme: “Climate resilient and sustainable forest management” and one of the subthemes:
- Decision support tools and solutions for sustainable forestry
- Understanding linkages between ecosystem processes and management
- From data acquisition to knowledge creation
- Gameful forest interaction
More information about the subthemes here.
We also welcome proposals for special session on a specified topic. Please contact [email protected] and [email protected] by 30 November 2022 if you want to organize a special session during the conference.
II. Abstract guidelines
The organizers are calling for your abstracts max 300 words. You can submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation. All abstracts should be written in English (American English, if possible) and include text only (no pictures, tables, graphics, keywords or references). Please use the online system for your submission (link above). Abstracts sent by email will not be included.
The abstracts of all accepted submissions will be available online on the conference website. Only abstracts presented at the conference will be included in the conference programme.
Abstracts should be result oriented; very briefly state the main objectives and methodology of the research being reported, then discuss the results and indicate main conclusions.
- Title maximum length: 100 characters without space
- Abstract maximum length: 300 words
- Written in English (American spelling and grammar)
- Spell out acronyms and abbreviations (other than standard scientific symbols) on first reference
- Minimize use of unusual symbols to aid in transmission and software translation
- No figures or tables
- Italicize scientific species names
Abstracts will be reviewed by the review board and notifications of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author by 15 March 2023. Accepted authors must register for the event and thus confirm their presentation by 5 April 2023.
III. Selection
All abstracts will be reviewed for scientific content by members of the conference Scientific Committee. You will find the members of the Scientific Committee here. The Scientific Committee will select presentations on the basis of the abstracts and will notify authors by 15 March 2023. Abstracts will be published on this website.
IBFRA is International Boreal Forest Research Association, which promotes and co-ordinates research to increase the understanding of the role of the circumpolar boreal forest in the global environment and the effects of environmental change upon that role.